

Embassy of Spain, B1F 1-3-9

Roppongi, Minato-ku

30.11.2022 — 02.12.2022 ENDED

インテリア展示会「Differences unite us 個性は我々を結び合う」 2022年11月30日(水)―12月2日(金) 11:00―19:00 駐日スペイン大使館B1階展示室 入場無料 東京都港区六本木1-3-29

In all good design, the form will not only be the result of the function, but it will also be the result of the historical moment, culture and tradition. The context is unique, changing and sometimes really complicated.

Japan and Spain, two apparently opposite countries with very different cultures and unique ways of understanding life whose design and architecture is a true reflection of two exceptional societies. But what if these differences are in fact the ones generating ideas? What if what really gives meaning to life is curiosity and diversity?

This exhibition tries to show what is behind Spanish design, guiding the viewers on a past, present and future journey through the customs, the habitual practices and the dreams to come. A tour that exposes how differences sometimes unite us.

There are those who feel comfortable in what is known, in what is similar, but those who reject what is established and open themselves to learning, will discover a new world of shapes and colours.

The Embassy of Spain and ICEX, under the brand Interiors from Spain, host one more year an exhibition on Spanish design, this time curated and designed by the Spanish architect Alberto García based in Tokyo and working for DE-SIGN INC.

Seminar: “Differences unite us”:

On December 2nd at 3 PM, at the Spanish Embassy, an interesting seminar will be held, in which designers and architects who are active both in Spain and Japan will talk about their experiences and collaborations with different cultures. Speakers: Alberto García, exhibition curator and architect (DE-SIGN INC); Natalia Sanz y Takeshi Yamamura, architects (YSLA Architects); Jin Kuramoto, designer (Jin Kuramoto Studio), Yuichiro Yamanaka , architect and designer (S.O.Y. Labo) and David Minton Albero & Gorka Beitia-Zarandona (Kengo Kuma & Associates). Previous registration is needed.





スペイン貿易投資庁ICEXとスペイン大使館経済商務部は、Interiors from Spain のブランド名のもとに今年もスペインのデザインをご紹介する展示会を開催致します。今回は日本企業、株式会社ディー・サインに籍を置き在東京のスペイン人建築士、アルベルト・ガルシア氏が企画と展示デザインを担当しました。

セミナー【Differences unite us個性は我々を結び合う】

12月2日(金) 15:00 – 17:00

スペイン大使館B1階セミナーホール ※リンクから事前登録をお願いします。ご希望者多数の場合は抽選とさせて頂きます



株式会社ディー・サイン アルベルト・ガルシア氏 (展示会キュレーター)

YSLA Architects ナタリア・サンツ氏、山村健氏 (建築家)

株式会社 ジンクラモトスタジオ 倉本仁氏 (デザイナー)

有限会社 S.O.Y.建築環境研究所  山中祐一郎氏 (建築家、デザイナー)

隈研吾建築都市設計事務所  ダビド・ミントン氏 (建築家)

隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 ゴルカ・ベイティア-サランドナ氏 (建築家)