¡Casa España!


14 — 15.12.2023

Villa Émerige. 7º, Rue Robart Turquan. Paris

The exhibition “¡Casa España!” will take place at the Villa Émerige in Paris. This luxury place is located in the 7º, Rue Robart Turquan, in the 16 ème arrondissement, a residential, distinguished and quiet neighbor in the West of Paris.  The exhibition is curated by Avivre magazine specialised in design, architecture and outdoor.

Casa España is an exhibition of Spanish design centered around the project from a residential perspective and approach. In this third edition, we will highlight the solutions and know-how of Spanish designers, aiming to capture how they are at the service of the art of living.

The Project will show on-going solutions to current concepts that are changing at an extraordinary pace nowadays in the hospitality, office and outdoor sectors. The event will allow networking and material testing due to its very interactive set up.

The exhibition will be gathering the best Spanish interior design products, with the goal of showcasing a wide range of products to French interior architects and designers.

France is the main market worldwide for Spanish interior design products.

Attendance is by invitation only.